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Benefits of using the Trade Blotter ® System

There are many benefits to using a web based application with Trade Blotter®’s features, amongst the most important, we could highlight its ease of implementation, the low cost and the great improvement in the  traders’ workflow, preventing mistakes.


Trade Blotter System is a web-based trading order application that keeps track of daily blotter tickets, encompassing the entire buy-sell workflow of financial bonuses transactions.

  • The System is capable of managing a variety of transactions, from simple ones such as Institutional and Express to more complex request types, such as:
    • Multirequest: many orders traded against a single street ticket
    • Split: a single order traded with many counterparties, automatically calculating the 1st leg’s price as the weighted average.


  • Eliminates manual work, paper tickets, lost tickets or incomplete transactions.


  • Is cost effective as it eliminates the need for paper.


  • Easy location of past transactions.


  • Actual flexibility that is superior to similar platforms.


  • Easily modify or cancel transactions.


  • Simplifies daily transaction reconciliation.


  • Makes everything quicker and more efficient.


  • Allows for an easy management of the company’s catalogues (bonds, counterparties, salespersons, etc.) on the same platform.


  • Groups users and operations by counterparty.


  • Customizes individual users to provide personalized privileges and options to meet their specific needs.


  • Automatically notifies FINRA of all transactions using reportable bonds within the required time frame, significantly reducing the possibility of late notifications, and thus minimizes fees and penalties FINRA may apply.

  • Follows up on operations with loss or  excessive gain.
  • Generates and stores information that can be easily consulted for compliance and auditing purposes.
  • Since it is web-based, there is no Client Installation.
  • No large annual fees, like those of similar systems.
  • Clearing through Pershing and/or INTL, however JP Morgan clearing can easily be integrated.
  • Interactive and flexible interface.
  • Keep track of all your tickets without accessing the clearing company.
  • The System keeps a log of all events, generating reports instantly, which are easy to understand and suited to the client’s needs.
  • Easily export data into Excel®.
  • Trade Blotter System® was developed in MS .NET with C# as programming language and MS SQL as  database management system and runs under Windows®.

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Integration with Bloomberg and MarketAxess

  • The Trade Blotter System creates a timestamp of the client call and keeps track of the order until the trading desk fulfills it.


  • It includes a report module for orders, transactions and gross profit by date, date range and other selection criteria.


  • The administration module creates text files in a specific format that inputs the day’s information into the Clearing agent.


  • It has a manager role to maintain all the catalogs: Assets, Counterparties/Clients and holidays. The manager may also verify all the text files created for the Clearing agent.


  • Furthermore, it has the capability to authorize or reject amendments or cancellations.


  • The System is able to create and manage many different types of trading roles depending on the user’s needs. Some may add first and second legs, while others may only add second legs.


  • The Application also supports the creation of a special role to authorize “Over the Limit” transactions.


When the Notifications Module is included:


  • Every working day, it automatically downloads FINRA’s updated list of reportable bonds.


  • It automatically reports to FINRA every 3 to 5 minutes all of the transactions that must be reported.

The Application also features a price gap report, which is a useful analysis tool that warns the administrators about unusual price variation between dates selected by the user.  The displayed results can show all of the bonds that have been traded, or can also be delimited by ISIN.


It also generates a report about transactions still pending to be notified to FINRA and if by any given reason they were manually reported, it allows users to add and keep track of the confirmation number.


The order’s log has different reports to verify the status of an order, including an Audit Trail report that shows all the order stages. When adding an order the trader/salesperson can choose between 2 options depending on whether or not (sub clearing) they know the client’s/counterparty’s accounts in advance.


The System controls changes and cancellations, the user can verify his cancelled and modified tickets history through the reports module.


Traders may select many orders at a time, which generates a single lot (1st leg) that groups the respective individual orders, allowing the traders to fulfill multiple orders in a single buy/sell street operation.


The Trade Blotter® System can be used by an unlimited number of users.


Integration with Bloomberg


FIT (Fixed Income Trading) is Bloomberg’s connectivity infrastructure and allows for vinculation with them by using four channels: AEP, FIX, FTP and TradeEmail. Currently, Trade Blotter© is integrated with Bloomberg through the FIX (Financial Information Exchange) protocol, version 4.4. This allows us to obtain tickets captured from Bloomberg directly in our platform without the need to recapture the information.


Integration with MarketAxess


New Module!
The Trade Blotter© now can get tickets directly from MarketAxess using the FIX 4.4 transactional messaging functionality available in the MarketAxess (MKTX) STP gateway and the trading system.
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