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Trade Blotter ® System ­¦ Description

Trade Blotter System is a web based application that manages and logs daily ticket order executions to commercialize financial bonds, encompassing the entire trader buy-sell related workflow. This highly effective tool optimizes the operations and facilitates norm compliance to regulatory entities such as FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority).

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Benefits of using the Trade Blotter® System

There are many benefits to using a web based application with Trade Blotter®’s features, amongst the most important, we could highlight its ease of implementation, the low cost and the great improvement in the traders’ workflow, preventing mistakes.

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Deployment of the Trade Blotter ® System in your Enterprise

The web based application System was developed in the MS .NET platform using C# as the programming language and MS SQL Server as database management system. The interactive component runs under Windows®.

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The paper Tickets and tedious process

manual were in the past

The digital market was at your fingertips